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Setting Goals for a Healthy & Fit Year

Page Clinton

With the new year comes resolutions. Like many Americans, you might strive to improve your health and fitness, whether you’re establishing an exercise regimen with personal trainers, losing weight, or eating healthy foods. Plan for success by following these goal-making tips to make this year your healthiest yet.

Visualize Goals

Envision where you want to be at the end of the year and consider specific goals that will help become this person. Setting a general idea of working out or losing weight is the first step. However, breaking this down into smaller actions can help guide you. For example, you might want to lose weight, improve your upper body strength, or run a faster mile. By focusing on these specific, targeted goals, you can achieve the larger one more easily.

Write Down Measurable Intentions

The next part of sticking to your fitness resolution is to write down the steps you will take to achieve each goal. Use a journal to track your progress. On each page, write your end goal. Then, record what you can do to accomplish it. For example, working with personal trainers, exercising three times a week, or replacing a sugary snack with a nutritious one.

Track Your Progress

You can use a scale every morning, but progress is more than your weight. Take measurements at the start of the year and regular intervals throughout your health journey. You may find that you’re losing inches in addition to pounds.

Also, track your fitness achievements, which may include your running speed or amount of weight lifted. Logging what you eat every day can also indicate where you’re succeeding and where to improve. You may find that you’re more mindful of what you eat and how often you workout when you’re tracking everything.

If you’re ready to commit to a healthier lifestyle, contact Phoenix A+ Coaching, which serves the Greater St. Louis, MO, area. This family-oriented gym has a fun and functional environment that creates a community-based culture. Individuals from any fitness level can sign up to exercise with personal trainers who customize training and offer accountability. To schedule a visit, call (314) 499-1172. Learn more about training opportunities on the website.


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