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Overtraining Leads to Burnout

Most people have trouble getting motivated whether it be going to work, starting a new project, or working out. If motivation is attained it is true that any new chapter in life goes smoother and with time feels natural, however, there are always two sides of the spectrum and anything in excess is hurtful, even being “too motivated”.

Perhaps you have heard the term “burn out” before, or even had experienced: emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. Many times, there are situations of high stress that triggers the frustration feeling, for example, a new task at work which besides being unfamiliar, the expectations of the result being constantly unrealistic, triggering frustration and stress.

When it comes to working out, there are other elements in place. First, the common perception of exercising gets distorted with unrealistic expectations and advertising, which sets the mind for a “hard work in short time = immediate results” idea. Second, the want of immediate results leads people to overwork thinking that going as hard as they can have great results. Continuous high-intensity training can translate into excessive physical demand with chances of injury, the frustration of not attaining the desired results, ending with the wanting to quit sensation thinking “this is not for me, I cannot do it” when the issue is actually the way to do it.

There is a fine line when it comes to pushing yourself. It is important to pay attention to how the body is reacting to training as well as your mental state and nutrition. Another key factor is knowing that every person is different. Comparing oneself to another can be mentally draining and demotivating, giving the sensation of not working hard enough and going beyond recommended limits.

It is frustrating when you find yourself in an unpleasant situation. You try to change it and do not see a good result out of it. There lies the importance of knowing one’s own pace and capacities so the transformation starts from there. It is ok to slow down every now and then, which does not mean to completely stop. Training is a constant adapting process. It is a journey for life where we try to achieve the best version of ourselves and give us the option to step by step try to be better every day. The key part is consistency and steadiness on the mindset: find the best way to be my best self.

Jesus Vicente


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