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A Day in the Life of a Successful Person

Page Clinton

Setting a morning routine 5 am-8 am: This will help you set a pace for your day, a morning routine will help you prepare your body and mind for the day ahead of you and help you get the most out of it. First off, wake up early and don't waste your day by staying in bed all morning. These hours are the ones that will get you a step ahead of the competition and set you up for a successful day. Once you are up, make your bed, and hydrate, getting into the habit of making your bed will create the mindset of being organized and tidy. This will carry over into the rest of your day and help you stick to timelines and give you positivity from the outset of your day. Overnight we lose a lot of water in our bodies, so hydration in the morning is essential to not feel sluggish or tired after waking up. Drink a large glass of water before drinking any coffee or tea to properly hydrate and prepare your body for the day.

One of the major keys to a successful morning is exercising. Exercising in the morning will kick start your body and boost energy levels throughout the day. Your workout can consist of a simple stretching session or a high-intensity training session depending on your personal fitness goals. The final step to success for your morning is to eat something good. There are hundreds of healthy breakfast snacks and meals that you can try. Find either a staple for you or try something new that can help you fuel your day.

Beginning of workday 8 am-12 pm: Get the important stuff done first. It is easy to procrastinate the hard work that needs to be done. Making a checklist of the things you need to do today is key to a successful day. Your checklist starts with the most important thing for that day. From there, add Items to your checklist in order of importance. If importance is not relevant, add to your list by task size or amount of time it will take; most time consuming first. As you go through the day you are always making sure to continue to hydrate along with keeping the habit of organization and keeping your workspace tidy. This first part of the day you are concentrating on the bulk of heavy-duty work that needs to be done. Throughout this period your energy levels and concentration level should be at their highest as a result of how your morning has gone so far. Taking advantage of that will help you get the hard work done.

Lunch Hour 12 pm-1 pm: This hour is not a time for rest or to slack off, it is a time to fuel your body to continue your day with more success and productivity. Starting out with the fuel, eating a healthy, hearty lunch with a high nutrition value will help you stay active and not put your body under the stress of having to deal with digesting a large unhealthy lunch. You don't have to look too far on Google or Instagram to find pages with hundreds of recipes for filling healthy meals that will keep your energy levels high and help you continue your successful day.

Once you have eaten something and hydrated some more, take 10 mins, find a quiet spot and sit and meditate, clear your mind of any thoughts and concentrate on breathing through your nose and sitting at peace for a short 10 mins.

Post Lunch Work Hours 1 pm-5 pm: Depending on your required workday hours this can change but the key to these final few hours of your day is the finish out the checklist for the day, finishing the remainder of these items will complete your day of work for today. So spending 2-3 hours doing that. Next, we use the remainder of your time to prepare for your day for the next day, begin creating tomorrow's checklist as this will allow you to get started right away in the morning rather than spending time working on the checklist in the morning. At the end of your day, you will feel satisfied and feel like you have had a successful workday.

Dinner Hours 5 pm-7 pm: With a wide array of diets and eating habits, I think it is safe to say that most people eat dinner between these hours. In most situations, this will be the largest meal of the day so it is important to make sure it is packed with the nutritional value needed to give you the best sleep you can get later that night. After a day of hard work and focus, it can be easy to take the foot off the gas and drop your standards in the evening. Keeping these meals nutritional value high will help you not feel sluggish or make waking up in the morning any harder than it needs to be. Cooking can also be used as a tool to meditate or relax. Many people find cooking to be something that can ease them into the evening and begin to wind down.

Relaxation hours 7 pm-8:30 pm: This time of the day is for you to do what you enjoy doing, so if that is watching the game, go on a walk, or even just take your kid to practice. These things will begin to feel more relaxing and less stressful because you know you have done so much already today and feel a sense of accomplishment. Your mind will be at ease because you know that tomorrow's day is already planned out for you and you have found a routine that works best for you. Your routine encourages a positive and energetic flow to your day.

Bedtime 8:30 pm-9:30 pm: To cap off the day spending some relaxation time in bed will help you recover from your day and give you a little time to think about everything you did today and feel that accomplished. One of the greatest ways to help to prepare for sleep is to read some chapters of a book. Depending on what you like from fiction, non-fiction, biographies, or something more educational, this is a great way to wind down and potentially learn something new before getting to sleep for that night.

Stephen Duff


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